5 no brainer resources for home ownership

by Southern Signature Properties

Who doesn't love an awesome resource to call on? Reliable, fair pricing, and reputable- is it possible someone can possess ALL of these characteristics? We have put these resources to the test.

1- Pardue's Lawn Care: (Facebook Link) 336.750.7071

I stumbled upon Josh Pardue after asking for someone who could remove an unwanted piece of shrubbery for my yard, and in conversation, he said he charges $5/bale for pine needles. FIVE DOLLARS!! That includes him spreading them! It's a no brainer!

2- Trash Removal (and I don't mean the kind that is bagged up)

Amber Walker (336.602.8002)

Back in late January, I realized that Ole Blue Sofa in the basement had seen his better days. Somehow, I wiggled it outside, through two doors, and down to the end of my driveway. I thought to myself, SURELY someone will see this jewel and it will magically disappear.

I'll let you take a wild guess. It did not.

Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of this beauty that sat 2 weeks in the rain, sleet and snow. Maybe longer.

After I nearly backed into it, and I realized it was a bad representation of the good Realtor that I am, I went to Facebook asking who can haul off large trash items. These folks were at my home within 20 minutes- no joke- and Ole Blue Sofa disappeared into the night for $20.

$20 is much less than the headache it would have caused us on a Saturday to find someone to help us with it.

3- Heather Kiger Law Firm Facebook Link

1303 Ashleybrook Ln, 27103; (336) 602-1018

We try not to pick favorites, but our favorite former Realtor turned administrative assistant is real estate attorney Heather Kiger's mother, Cheryl!

In all seriousness, Heather is conveniently located near my office, she is moderately priced, and offers the best customer service in town. We love all of our attorneys, and are thankful for their attention to details!

4 and 5- Painter and Handyman Duo, Susie and Charles Fishel;

A handyman is hard to find that is skilled and fairly priced. What if I told you his wife was a magnificent painter also possessing the same qualities? It's a duo made in home improvement heaven! Contact me for their contact info- I'm not giving this away that easily!! ;-)


Southern Signature Properties

Real Estate Firm | License ID: C27503

+1(336) 422-7820

