Flowers: a girls best friend...maybe?
Fall and Winter gardens typically are associated with barren trees, dead grass and blah. I am THRILLED (yes, I am aware I am thrilled about a vegetable/flower, and no, I'm not running a fever!) to introduce you to the best thing to happen to Winter gardens since a pansy!
The story goes...
In early September, I took to Pinterest to plan my self watering window box (you can buy it at Plow and Hearth for around $129).
I expected to see varieties of white pumpkins, glittered pumpkins, gourds and burlap. Meh. Instead, I was not only surprised, but I became enamored with this year's Fall annual collections!
I digress...
Three years ago, I had given up hope that I would ever be able to keep anything alive (other than my family), although I did love buying flowers. They seem so full of hope! I can almost hear them say, "Pick me! ME! No, MY bloom is better than yours!".
I scolded myself each time I saw the seasons change, and promised to only purchase from the Hospice cart at Lowes (HINT! check the perimeters at Lowes for plants that are less than perfect or needing a good drink of water for at least 60-75% off!). Surprisingly, when plants needed a little love, I actually tended to them. These same flowers, which, if purchased from the main aisles, would have died because I forgot to water them, were flourishing! Finally, I was not a failure at keeping plants alive!
Back to perusing Pinterest...
I happened to query "Fall Window Boxes", when I stumbled upon the best thing since sliced bread: Ornamental Cabbage and Kale!YES! It was beautiful! It was Lucious! It was different than anything I had ever seen! But...where on earth do you find it?
On the off chance the Queens of Mums, aka Myers Greenhouse, carried this oh so original vegetaflower, I decided to pay them a visit.
Myers Greenhouse, located on Stratford Road between Winston and Clemmons, has the most helpful ladies who gently share their suggestions and educate you on the care of the plants they raise from seed. It is an unpretentious greenhouse, and frequented by those who share the love of flowers! (Cash or check only).
It truly is an pleasure to visit this place and have a virtual Pinterest board with those who work! They make it their life to enjoy planting flower gardens!
They educated me on this ornamental cabbage...The beauty is in the barren! In order to truly get the lovely colors as seen on Pinterest, the purples, lavenders and pinks are brought out AFTER the chilly frosty morning tickles their leaves. Up until the first frost, it looks the same as the cabbage we are used to seeing. BORING! Then, the magic happens! THAT is why I can't get enough!
I have gone back (ahem) FIVE times since to get more...and more...and more flowers. The last visit (I promise!) on Wednesday completed my collection for the finishing touches of my precious window box.
The ladies at Myers coached me in understanding the spiky grass in the middle will create interest. The large cabbages on each side are to be planted sideways (!) and then accompanied by smaller kale and finished by trailing pansies (yet, ANOTHER item I didn't know about!).
I have big plans for the Spring...but for now...Go buy some cabbage and enjoy the magic!
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