Spring Cleaning & A Fresh Start

by Southern Signature Properties

It’s that time of year where lots of us start thinking about Spring Cleaning! What’s on your list? Purging the clutter, cleaning windows and scrubbing baseboards.

When it's all finished, most likely you feel accomplished! Then it ALL accumulates again and the cycle continues. How do you change the sequel?

Are you OCD like me? Ok, maybe not completely OCD, just call me the organizational master, also known as neat freak and perfectionist. It’s a blessing and a curse. I thrive on living a balanced, organized life. When things are in chaos, I instinctively start prioritizing and arranging. It started as a child, when my brother would move something in my room, I would instantly know it was out of place. Now as an adult, it has spilled into life at home and in my career.

So, how do I organize my everyday life? I have a routine that works for me. I make lists, plan, set reminders and appointments on my google calendar. I do NOT procrastinate!  It’s been said that I do not let the grass grow under my feet.

My home is a place free of disorder.  My space in the world to relax and enjoy all that my little family has been blessed with. I do have to admit, it would be nice to have a maid do the regular cleaning with hectic schedules, however, my husband and I share in the household chores. He’s the king of the vacuum cleaner!

A few tips that I live by:

  • Make the bed – I do this first thing in the morning, if I don’t, I feel the house is untidy. It really helps bring the house together.
  • Dishes – I keep the sink and counters, dish free. The dishwasher runs almost every day.
  • Laundry- I have a system where I do laundry on particular days, usually on the weekend. I put away clothes as I go and don’t let them pile up.
  • Cooking- While I cook, I wash dishes and clean as I go. Much less to do once the meal is finished.
  • Clutter- #1 House Rule-If you use something, when you are finished with it put it away.(I preach this to my daughter daily) This makes the house look tidier, organized with less clutter lying around. If I don’t love it or use it, I donate it!
  • Counters- I try to wipe down kitchen and bathroom counters daily.
  • Paper- Have a system or designated place for all the paper that comes in your home. It all tends to pile up quickly. Sort through mail daily and toss what is not needed.
  • Quick Tidy Up- Right before bed, I do a fly over and put everything up and in its place. Waking up with a tidy home makes my morning routine easier.
  • Don’t Procrastinate- It’s easy to put things off, however, it usually means there is more to do once I get to it.
  • Regular Cleaning- Set a schedule for: bathrooms, dusting, vacuuming and mopping. Break these tasks up, do one each day or clean by room. I’ve tried it all!

Are you an organizational master or ready to become one? Take one step at a time and do what works best for you!


Happy cleaning and organizing!




Southern Signature Properties

Real Estate Firm | License ID: C27503

+1(336) 422-7820

